Stay Focused

Stay Focused! Successfully

Hocus Pocus ~ Let’s Stay Focused!

Life is full of roles, responsibilities and yes, consequences. Therefore, being able to stay focused is important. Especially when overwhelming experiences are thrown your way. Success in life is nothing without being able to share it with others. As well, as having the ability to focus will allow you to stay present when working and playing with others.  In life, there are three states of focus you can be in: 1) in focus, 2) lacking focus, and 3) obsessing about focus.


The benefits of staying focused in life are almost unlimited. One key benefit is the confidence you feel. With an increase of confidence you are capable of stepping out of your comfort zone and improving your decision making. With improved decision making you find purpose in your life easier. Having the passion to take on life’s stresses as they come your way and finally improving your overall well-being. So simply put focus helps you live life to the fullest, while allowing you to experience the best in everything you do.

Tips and Tricks

Life is short, there no time to waste being unfocussed but how do you stay focused? For some, staying focused on tasks and current situations can be difficult and will take practice.

A great tip for learning to increase your ability to stay focused is giving yourself a reward for meeting a ‘being present’ goal. For instance, over the course of a week, keep track of how well you stay focused on your tasks. Example: you need to write a 500 word blog. Look at the clock when you sit down to begin writing, the moment your focus wavers, look at the clock and note the time. When you are able to refocus on the blog writing, note the time again. Continue keeping track. Including those you really enjoy doing and those, well are on the ‘need to do’ list instead of the ‘want to do’.

At the end of the week look at what your average length of focused time is. For instance, you stay focused for 10 minutes before your focus wavers. Your goal is each week to increase your average focus time by a minute until you reach your desired level. Staying with this example, it might be 30 minutes. Remember, your goal is to be successful. So set the challenge high enough to improve but not too high that you are unable to achieve it.

Stay Focused Goals

As you track your time you want to be sure you are not tracking 10 hours a day of tasks but pick a two to four hour window at different times of the day so you do not find yourself being ‘obsessed’. Also, set a reminder to take a few days off of working on improving your focus and just play.

Increasing your ability to stay focused is not something achieved over night or over a week but with time and patience. Your motivation and enthusiasm to stay focused, is part of how you will improve your ability but remember not to deny yourself the element of play and fun during the process. If your stress increases due to trying to improve your ability to stay focused then you will end up spinning your wheels with no movement.

Your life’s purpose is not always fixed it can evolve with changes in your life. You need to be able to adapt your focus to feel empowered to embrace the flexibility needed to not only survive but thrive during times of change. You do not need to be fully focused 100% of the time; be patient as you begin to prioritize your desire for improved focus. Your overall success and well-being will be supported by your ability to focus; how you prioritize improving your ability to focus remains with you.

Happy Halloween!

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