3 Practical Tips to a Positive Mindset
Having a positive mindset may occur effortlessly to some people; however for other people life challenges, experiences and cultural influences may make having a optimistic outlook more complicated. You can liken positivity to art. Positivity an art? Say again please? In a sense yes, positivity is like an art. Just as with sketching, painting or drawing, positivity requires a certain amount of inventive skill. With each new life encounter, we need to figure out how to embrace a encouraging outlook.
Positive Mindset & Clarity
To support my clients in gaining clarity around a positive mindset and what it means to them, I encourage during stressful periods or if they are moving through a crisis to give meditation a try. I understand meditation is a practice or technique; and for those starting out as a rule will most likely need assistance. The idea is to be focusing on things such as a candle, their breath, or a sound. Especially when outside distraction hinder their ability to hold their concentration.
When you want to experience meditation on a more intimate level, you will feel the creative and an artists’ approach. It is at this point your outlook on life really begins to shift. A positive mindset begins to take hold and intermingles with your being. Thereby enabling you to develop and be consciously open during times of challenge or crisis.
There are many scientific reports showing meditation supports a healthy lifestyle. It is also considered the one of best approaches to reducing anxiety levels. When our stress is reduced or handled effectively then your outlook on life improves. Creating an upward spiral in all areas of your life. When you are practicing meditation on a regular basis, one of the first recognition of a positive mindset comes from recognizing a more peaceful, calm and focused point of view. In the end the human mind has the means to reduce stress. With the help of meditation you are able to feel calmer, relaxed; therefore, increasing clarity, improved mental focus and an enhanced awareness of harmony.
Subtle Benefits
As you meditate more often, the amount of random feelings begin to lessen; as will your attachment to those feelings and your identification with them. This is because we are normally not tuned into all of your mental activity. As with any imaginative practice, your ability to just to be is when our inner artist really flourishes. Your skill to create from nothing is a talent we are all born with, however just a few allow themselves accept. When we allow our authentic selves to step forward and bask in the glow then your outlook effortlessly improves. With a positive outlook we are able to step into action through the most tricky of times and emergency situations.
Positive Mindset Tips
Meditating frequently permits you to gain a deeper awareness of yourself through the observation of what happens in your minds. We gain important insights into who we actually are and how we are managing the situation about you. The following are three practical meditation techniques to support and boost your self respect, self understanding and your positivity. They will also offer you a glance into the underlying essence of the art of meditation.
1. Meditating with an clear mind.
This is the difficult practice as it simply works with a clear and settled mind. It takes roughly three to five minutes to turn your minds off from your ‘normal’ thoughts or thinking activity. You will want to be at ease – Lie down on a bed or sit in a chair after that start to empty your mind from all the distractions. Allow you mind to be free from all worries; disengage from actively thinking of tasks, projects, individuals etc.; when you become aware thoughts are sneaking back in, or you get distracted, bring your attention back to emptying your mind by means of focusing on your breath. As you practice this meditation method the period your mind is “empty” might increase. Remember to be gentle with yourself as well as patient.
2. Meditation on your identity.
This meditation technique is deceivingly easy but amazingly powerful, don’t underestimate it. Start by relaxing and asking the question: “who am I?” Focus your thought exclusively on this question and your mind’s attempts to satisfy it. Be attentive your mind’s initial response; this is when you identify the labels you are using for yourself (e.g. your name or what you do). Don’t analyze the answers from your mind. Simply ask the question once more to draw out all the labels and information your mind has regarding you. Remember these label are how you state who you are without using your given names. Keep repeating the question, until your mind begins to realize it cannot provide you a true reaction.
This is a profound experience of transcending the ordinary mind which is one of the goals of most meditation approaches. Keep in mind to persevere. Your ordinary mind may feel threatened by this question. And, being clever as a brain normally is, will attempt everything to convince you this is a waste of time. Be patient, take your time and ask once more, “who am I?” Another tip is to concentrate on your breathe if your emotions begin to try and take over.
3. Meditation with Self Consciousness.
Every so often taking the time to look at yourself and what it is you are doing. Examining what you are experiencing, especially if your mind is telling you what you are doing is unpleasant. If you just agree to, without question, your mind’s narrative you could feel fear, distress, stress or other negative feelings.
However if, by focusing your awareness you learn to reject (what your mind has shared with you is unpleasant) and you engross yourself with full concentration in what you are doing (i.e. you wholly go through it), you could well discover all the negative, power sapping effects fade away (because the “fear” engendered by your mind was a label for your experience rather than the experience itself). Meditate with your self realization and become free of the self sabotage your ordinary mind can produce. Self sabotage and damaging self-talk are the foremost reasons behind a negative outlook.
Your outlook doesn’t need to be optimistic 100% of the time, but when we are confronted with challenges that look bigger than life itself then a optimistic outlook might allow you to dance through it quicker and with a feeling of poise and grace.
Feel free to contact me with any questions on how to shift your own mindset or join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.