Vision or Visionary ~ Inspiring Success

Vision or Visionary?

Our vision is anything we do with our eyes. Or at least that is what we are taught all along. I ask you this, what if there is more to your vision? What does it mean to be a visionary?

Vision, a Sixth Sense?

Over the last several years I always have wondered about, toyed with and believed in our extrasensory perception. My own personal views versus those individuals close to me as well as people in general. We read in the media both science and philosophy continuously grows and expands in the advancement of understanding human life. Today most, if not all scientists and philosophers agree on the fact a man’s investigation of the world has limits.

With saying this, my intention is not to belittle our own capabilities; but to point out humans are like newborns. We only feel, says, act and receive information from the world around us – our direct experiences. In all of our scientific investigations, we are limited by our five senses. The result is any inventions created or those built in the future will be no exception. And do not escape the limitations of our five senses. These inventions merely widen the boundaries we associate with our senses. But does it truly end there? Or is there a possibility science one day will consider extrasensory perception as a legitimate part of the investigation process?

Business Connection Please!

Great question. How is this so far even remotely connected to me and my business? It may seem like a stretch but bear with me a moment. I realize how difficult it is to make the connection or the leap. Basically, we are talking about your intuition. That gut feeling. The “I just knew” reply we sometimes give when people ask us how we knew something.

We can and often struggle with being able to imagine what our senses pick up and where we lack the conscious connection. When making split second decisions, or what feel likes immediate decisions, we rely on our sixth sense to make them.

We ask ourselves, what other additional information do we need in order to recognize the true reality around us. And is “my” reality going to be the same as “Jane Doe’s” reality? As we make our gut directed decisions, we are concerned that others may not see what we see. There are great many business folk who have not embraced the idea of a sixth sense. Or believe in its validity. That is ok too. Ironically, they will just call it something different. As their egos do not want to feel that others may consider them “out there” in their approach.

Five Senses – Visionary

Remember, all of the investigations of our world are only according to our five senses. We cannot begin to see, feel or understand what is beyond these five senses. These are the limitations of our conceptions and perceptions in our personal and business lives. Also, following along this line of thought. If our imagination is the product of our five senses, and the experiences which form them. How is it possible for us to ever imagine anything which does not resemble that which is familiar? Thinking outside of the box is critical here, in business you need to be pushing the envelope every day. You need to take your products and services, break them down and rebuild them. Differently. The only way you can do this is to embrace your sixth sense. Let your gut guide you to revamping what you’ve already built.

Inspiring Vision

Most of these questions I ask stem from watching Sci-Fi. Really! I often wonder how the creators, sets and costume designers develop and create the imagery they do. Think George Lucas, Star Wars and Star Trek. Think back to the beginning of Star Trek, the communicators they used in the show. The medical technology they used in sick bay. All of these elements created for the show are now a reality. Teleporting is not far away – fingers crossed right?

If I want, for example, someone to draw for me some creature from another planet, in the majority of instances he would draw it according to the elements which are familiar to him. If I asked you to describe something imaginary, you would without a doubt describe something similar to your world. This exemplifies all of our limitations: we all live within a small world, we are not able to feel, and therefore imagine, anything outside of it. For your business, this is also true. It is one of the reasons why researching any and all topics you have an interest in will help you develop your own products further.

Limitations Unleashed

Our limitations are absolute. There seems to be no science or philosophy to help us understand what is beyond this world. It could be that in the same space, other dimensions exist with other creatures, and other worlds. We are unable to feel them because we lack the senses to feel them. We know humans have five basic senses or ways in which to detect signals coming from the world around. These five senses are: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. But what about the sixth sense, the psychic sense that many people possess. People with this sense claim to be able to predict the future, sense spirits, and even read others’ minds.

Just as most have the senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, I believe everyone has a sixth sense. Of course, there are those who have lost the use of one or more of their senses. But in general everyone has all of these senses. Your sixth sense, or your intuition is normally a very weak sense. Especially when a person grows up in a culture shunning or pushing back against it. This results in people going through life without realizing their extraordinary capability.

Final Comfort Zone Push

So to push the envelope one last time today, there are those that believe worlds exist outside of ours. All of these worlds are like the layers of an onion. In which our world is found in the midst of. We, who exist in this world, are able to feel only this world; the innermost sphere in all of existence. And we are born, live, and die in this sphere, which is called this world. Just like some people have sharper vision than others, few also have a more sensitive sixth sense than others.

I personally believe the sixth sense is a part of everyone whether or not they like it, agree with it, or even want to acknowledge it. It is a normal part of the human psyche and not abnormal or reserved for special or gifted individuals. In our business, we need to feel comfortable empowering ourselves and associates to listen to our guts more. To feel if our decisions are in alignment with our purpose. Our personal vision and our business’ vision need to be aligned or else we may be setting ourselves up for greater challenges than necessary. .

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