Knowledge is Empowerment ~ Inspiring Success

Knowledge is Empowerment

When we are feeling less than 100% it comes back down to our level of confidence. The knowledge we have of ourselves in differing circumstances can either boost our self-esteem or knock us off our footing. Our reactions can either allow us to get back into the game or have us coming to a full screeching stop. What makes the difference in which outcome? Your knowledge, your willingness to embrace new perspectives and information or your rejection of it.

Shifting Perspective

When we feel empowered, we are moved to be in action. Taking steps to move us in the direction towards accomplishing our goals. Our confidence is high and everything seems possible. The opposite is true when we feel nervous or uncertain about the tasks before us. How we move from one side to the other is our perspective. If we view our situation thru the lens that our knowledge base supports our goals then the feeling of empowerment takes the lead. If we have doubts about our next steps then uncertainty begins to set in.

The solution to keeping our confidence elevated is being able to shift our perspective. We have talked about how doubt is the killer of self confidence before. Learning how to shift your perspective thru addressing your doubts is one of the skills necessary for entrepreneurs. Writing out your doubts into statements of confidence will show you how your knowledge base supports your goal achievements. Thru this exercise you will also learn if there are areas in which you need to expand your knowledge.

Life Long Learner

Within my children’s educational experience, the educators tout the notion of becoming life long learners. As adults, we need to make sure we embrace the same philosophy. As business owners we need to absolutely embrace this same perspective. Our knowledge base needs to constantly be expanding. One of the approaches to filling the ‘gaps’ is by outsourcing the tasks. Even if we outsource, it does not release us from learning as much as we can about the task needing to be completed. You do not need to become an expert, but you do need to expand and embrace this new knowledge.

I recommend to my clients to research and gain a better understanding of any topic or task before deciding to outsource it. Learning a little can go a long way. It can save you time and money.

Stronger Together

Being around like-minded individuals can give you a better sense of inner strength. When we feel mentally stronger our feeling of empowerment increases. When we feel empowered our motivation is on full display. Our support network plays a critical role in how successful we become. Just because you maybe in business for yourself does not mean you are going it alone.

Joining a mastermind program, network community or a group coaching program can provide opportunities for you to expand your knowledge base.


Linking your level of knowledge and expertise to your overall business plan will give you a boost to your confidence and feeling of being empowered. Yes, knowledge is power; your support network, being a life-long learner and shifting your perspective during times of doubt will be part of your tool chest of success tools.

Please contact me if you are in need of support and help shifting your perspective.

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