Love work again with business coach Inspiring Success

6 Ways to Love Work – Again!

You’re living the dream. Working from home is the ultimate goal for many workers. After all, where else can you stay in your pajamas all day and still get things done? But now you’re headed back to the office. How will you be able to love work at the office?

In truth, working from home can be harder than you think. Holding to a schedule can be difficult, especially if you’re trying to juggle other tasks (like watching children) with work. Finding the right balance is a challenge, and it’s easy to become stressed and even burned out. Most people have headed back to the office, kids are back to face-to-face schooling and we all need to learn how to love working in the office again.

During the last 18 months we have all struggled with different types of challenges. Some of us have delved into ourselves to learn more about how we work and learn. Some have gone the route of digging in to what motivates us or holds us back. A great resource for digging in is The Work by Byron Katie. During times of change, especially when we seem to be going backwards; finding a new resource to help shift our perspectives can be very helpful.

So, what do you do?

Read on to discover several ways to get excited about working at the office again. It is easier than you think!

Love Work in 6 Steps

  1. Create a Competition

If you have a competitive nature, start with creating contests with yourself. Let your office mates do their thing and you keep your focus on what it is you need to get done each day. Set small deadlines and then make bets as to how long it will take to reach them. Try to break your record the next time around.

2. Talk to Others

Isolation was a huge problem with working from home. Believe it or not, there are groups out there where people who work from home get together for a ‘lunch hour’ just to talk with someone else. Being back at the office, continue this. Yes, you want to keep your focus on what you need to accomplish but the social piece is critical for your success back in the office. Find co-workers or friends who are back in the office and make lunch dates. Yes, even if you brown bag it.

3. What’s On Your Playlist

If you find yourself getting distracted by the noises and chatter around you find your ear buds. Get some music playing that inspires you to work hard. Go for something motivating with a solid beat, or maybe something classical to relax. You know your moods. Play what works best for you. Make sure you keep the volume at a level that you can hear when people walk up to you or address you.

Ready for Love?

4. Change it Up

If your company allows it, try working somewhere else. For example an outdoor table or a common area for a change of scenery. Remember you have just spent 18 months being able to get up and walk around without worry. Give yourself permission to get up and get moving.

5. Dress for the Job…

Oh yes, the dreaded work attire. Check in with your company to see if any of the dress codes, if there were any, have changed or relaxed. You may not be able to hang out in your pajamas all day but maybe nylons aren’t necessary anymore either.

6. Get Out

At the end of the day, leave the office with a smile that you have successfully completed another day at the office. If you will be working from home permanently, you may start to feel like you’re constantly stuck at work. Now that life is opening up again, make plans with friends, go to a movie, have dinner in a restaurant for a change. Do what you need to give yourself a regular change of scenery.

By following these tips, working from home will soon be fun again. The key is to do what works for you when building the excitement back into the daily grind.

Please contact me with any questions on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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