Happy Halloween 2022 from all us here at Inspiring Success Startup Business Coaching

Happy Halloween 2022

Happy Halloween 2022 Everyone. Who else has plans for this year? My kids are getting a little old to trick or treat. Well, that’s what they tell me. And we’re pretty sure they are thinking about the ‘cool’ factor. How about your kiddos? Do they prefer to dress up and trick or treat? Or do they prefer to hand out candy?

Share in the SpringBoard group what your plans for Halloween are for this year. We would love to hear it.

Favorite Decorations

Halloween is always a favorite of our for decorations. The kids running from house to house collecting candy is one of the best to watch. Then the houses that go all out with their decorations. The attention to detail in some is amazing. Is there a favorite house you remember from childhood? What about in your current neighborhood? There is a house about 5 minutes from where we are and they are amazing with their decorations. I always wonder where they store the decorations during the rest of the year. Do you the rent a storage unit? If you had to choose, which decoration is the one that stands out to you? Is it big, small, or somewhere in between? Is it scary? Or welcoming?

Our house is a mixture of it all. It has decorations from when our children were young, so these are welcoming where as the scarier decorations are more current. They represent where my children are now with their tolerance for scary things.

Attention to Details

As a business, how does Halloween touch on how you conduct business? How does your attention to detail, the bigness, or the lack of motivation to create an effect reflect on your business approach? You would be amazing how your approach to decorating for the holidays reflects your approach to business.

Need support with your start up business and goal setting? Reach out, I’m here to support you and your success.

Happy Halloween 2022!

Karen Kleinwort - Your Business BFF





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