New Moms Finding Fitness ~ Inspiring Success

New Moms ~ Finding Fitness Again

New moms experience challenges all the time with figuring out well, all that’s new. Not just what it means to be a mother, caregiver, spouse, career go getter, and so much more. One of the elements in life which tens to be forgotten or left out during this initial time is their, our personal fitness and wellness. We always have great intentions but for some reason, we end up putting ourselves last.

Today, let’s spend a few minutes looking how best to realign your personal wellness and fitness goals with balancing the rest of your responsibilities.

New Moms on a Roller Coaster

Fitness tips never seem to work for new mothers who act as a roller coaster behind their kids all day. Sound familiar? I know it does to me. It doesn’t mean the fitness tips are wrong. But the problem exists when new mothers who schedule their life totally erratic and saying yes too many things. I know I didn’t want to change my routine, even if the changes were highly beneficial for me. Change is hard for most, adding a new baby, well it is even harder.

New moms tend to face an overwhelming amount of concern about their fitness that ends with only being a thought of exercising.

Science & New Moms

Feeling short on time is not the cause of feeling short on stamina and energy. But per science, even your body requires a certain level of fitness. All it takes is a bit of creativity, great extent of commitment and a strong will power. So all you new moms, or dads, what are you waiting for? Let’s give it a try ! Sitting idle, listening to stories and reading how to get fit will not help at all.

Tips and Tricks


First thing to start with is to permit your self and commit to exercise. You might be very busy working for your children, spouse, family and boss. Your prime aim might be making all of them happy (along with your most unsatisfied boss). Within these, you might not feel like devoting time for yourself. But have you ever thought how disastrous the outcomes can be? Imagine what will happen if you fall ill. You need to be fit and healthy to be capable to take care of all types of obligations; be it in family or at workplace.

Smile and H2O

Exercises are one of the most simple and most effective ways to keep your self away from sickness and infections. Start your day with a smile and a plenty of water to glow. Then whether you have worries like getting ready for work, breakfast and children school drop, try to forget them and give yourself just 15 minutes workout to stay fit and healthy for you and your family.

If you are done with making up your mind and pushing yourself to do exercises regularly then, I will take you to the next tip.

Priority #1? or is it #10?

Fitness must be given an optimum priority in your life. There can be many things coming in your way to fitness; like your tiredness to sleep, laziness to work out, shopping, preparing meals, get ready for work and many more. But just think like you are making an appointment with yourself.

Make an Appointment

Another tip to help you manage fitness is to take up an exercise class. When you will spend money (invest) in a class, then you will stick to your commitment to work for the sake of your money. You may join an aerobic class, modern dance class, kickboxing class, swimming etc. according to your preference. Try to shuffle your schedule a little.

If you are a new mom then, consider ‘mommy and me’ classes. This will allow you to do exercises along with your baby. You can effectively shed your unwanted ‘baby-weight’. This will build a bridge between you and your baby.

Organization is Key for New Moms

Organize family walks and go walking around your neighborhood pushing a baby stroller or pushing your child to walk or run ahead of you. Walking is a very beneficial form of exercise. You can even get more social with people walking around just like you.

Since you are a mother and that to working outside, then you are more burdened with extra demands. The demands would hardly end at home or on job. So it is important for you to be fit and exercise to stay fit.

Need support organizing and prioritizing? Contact me today. Join the conversations on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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