Entrepreneurial Challenges

Entrepreneurial Challenges

In the world of business, there will always be challenges. As such, there are a few parameters you may want to consider. Whether you are walking within and around them, they will be necessary for success.

Foundational Factors

Attitude, Discipline, Knowledge

First, there are factors you need to put into place before being able to address the challenges that you encounter. Some may already be present and established. These include your attitude, self-discipline and knowledge. With these three under your belt. Making sound or ‘educated’ decisions become a little easier. Together they form a firm foundation for you to recognize and be able to address what is happening. And how to come out successfully on the other side.


Secondly, as we discuss in the “Crown Jewel of Success” article, you need to to have set goals. With goals clearly defined and realistic in nature. You are able to easily adjust your schedules and milestones notwithstanding any challenges that may arise. When facing a challenge in business, you can fall back onto your embracing a “I’ve got this” attitude. Embracing this perspective allows you to easily step outside of the emotions of fear. You remain in the driver’s seat so to speak. The challenge can be resolved faster and with less stress than if you chose to allow yourself to be consumed with being overwhelmed. Remember, challenges are also a great opportunity to learn. With a closed mind or limited perspective, the lesson might be lost.


Additionally, having a support person to bounce ideas off of is also critical. Rome wasn’t built in a day, neither was it built by one person. As an entrepreneur, you need to ensure you have an established network of support. My recommendation is to have the following:

  • one person who can talk ‘finances’
  • another who can be creative with you for marketing, and
  • another who is your product/service reviewer.

Yes, this all can be the same person. But you need at least one person you can be your business confident.

Internal vs External


Your feeling of empowerment needs to be driven from the inside (read internal). Your established goals will help you to reinforce these feelings. To support your motivation. To grow within your business and to overcome unforeseen challenges, you will want to consider expanding your knowledge base. Meaning, sign up for classes in your area or to find something online. When you are having your ‘finance discussion’, make sure you are including the cost of continuing your education. You will be able to find some course free. But, courses further your business success will most likely have a fee associated with them.

When you further your education or knowledge base, it fuels your feeling of empowerment. This feeling goes a long way in supporting your ability to overcome challenges that you face in your business. And you never know who you will meet thru your courses. New clients? New customers? Business partners? Keep an open mind.


Motivation comes from many different places (read external). To be and to stay motivated are two different animals. Both need to be taken seriously to be successful in business or life in general.

A few helpful hints are:

  • Surround yourself with positive people,
  • Have decorations or fixtures around you that provide a feeling of success,
  • Limit your interactions with those you are not supportive of your goals,
  • And, set small daily tasks that can be easily checked off each day.

Okay, I know. The third one is super hard, especially if they are family and close friends. But, it is one of the most vital when it comes to fueling your motivation. Keep reminding yourself about how serious you are regarding achieving your goals.

In the world today, there are very few millionaires that lay claim to just one element. Most will share it is a combination of all these factors and the internal and external elements. To become the best in whatever you do, be fearless in your search. Search for the right combination of the elements above. Include some you have successfully used. Remove those which are not working. Whatever challenges that arise, your discipline. motivation and feeling of empowerment will allow you to be successful.

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