Corporate Coaching

Corporate Coaching ~ Hows & Whys

As a Business Coach I work with different types of clients and Corporate Coaching is something I’m definitely familiar with. There are those working for someone else but hold the desire to start their own business. Those who have been in business for a few years but are seeking to move their business to the next. A trend in HR departments is acknowledging the value of coaching. The employees feeling the support plays into a stronger bottom line for the business.

Before hiring a corporate coach for your employees. It is a good idea to gain a basic understanding of corporate coaching concepts and techniques. The knowledge of how coaching works and what it can help you achieve, will make it easier for you:

  1. Choose the right coaching model
  2. Communicate effectively with the coach
  3. Get maximum returns on your investment (on hiring a coach)

Corporate Coaching Objectives

Essentially, coaching works on 3 levels and in a corporate setting can often meld with the roles of consultancy:


The coach will observe and study sales and profit levels. Employee productivity and company financials with the senior management team or the leadership team as well. Based on the business, the coach may make recommendations or offer new perspectives to help improve the profitability. To ensure the coach stays in a ‘coach’ role and not fall into consultant role; it is important the senior management team is on board with the brainstorming and the follow-up communication. Performance really then moves into reviewing of the policies for efficiency. This empowers the employees to be as efficient as possible. Remember, employees are only as successful as the tools you provide. Your business’s policies and procedures are critical to their success.


The coach may use various motivational techniques to improve employee performance and in turn improve organizational performance. Coaching also involves working with employees to improve their interpersonal relations. While also tackling relationship issues which may have an adverse impact on employee efficiency.


A corporate coach being a neutral party can examine an organization’s challenges objectively. Then use their business expertise to suggest measures to improve the business’s overall profitability and performance.

Coaching Models

To achieve these objectives you can choose from the following two models or use a combination of both-

One on One Coaching

Employees are coached personally and have detailed one on one interaction with the coach. Through these sessions the coach helps the employees resolve any professional challenges. Which then can accelerate their growth, both in their personal as well as their professional lives. This model of coaching has a broad framework and works towards overall development of an individual.

Internal coaching

Internal coaching involves coaching a large group of employees together. Depending upon the organization’s requirements, the coach may have to train the employees with certain specialized skills. Additionally, familiarizing them with the corporate culture values and the mission. Internal coaching is more suitable when you want to introduce new work concepts or techniques or for orientation purposes.

Both models use several tools and techniques to make the process of coaching more effective. Some of the most common ones are-case studies, structured interviews, role plays, questionnaires, and management games and so on.

At the end of the day, the most important function of corporate coaching is supporting the business to find workable solutions. Companies need to resolve issues like dip in sales, huge employee turnover, management-employee conflicts, etc. A coach can make the task of achieving these objectives simpler.

It is important to remember before hiring a coach to be very clear with your expectations. What role the coach will play within your organization. A coach is there to support your business success. As well as your employees. The hiring may be a cost effective way of improving moral, loyalty as well as your profitability.

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